CMMI Development V2.0正式发布


Driving business performance by building and benchmarking world-class product development capabilities.


CMMI Institute


在当今竞争激烈的商业世界中,以市场、敏捷、客户满意度与不妥协的质量,建立起持续、快速交付解决方案的能力,是极其重要的。CMMI研究所发布了CMMI Development V2.0,这是一个全球公认的软件、产品与系统开发最佳实践的过程改进模型,它将提升组织的绩效。

Pittsburgh, PA, USA (March 28, 2018) Building capability to consistently deliver solutions with speed to market, agility, customer satisfaction, and uncompromising quality are all table stakes in today’s competitive business world. The CMMI Institute has released CMMI Development V2.0, a globally recognized process improvement model of software, product and systems development best practices that will elevate organizational performance.


CMMI 研究院首席执行官Kirk Botula表示:“全球对CMMI的采用一直在以创纪录的速度增长,因为它提供了大量的成果”。“世界各地的高效能的商业组织,以及政府机构都依靠 CMMI 提供一个清晰的路线图,以减轻风险、创造价值、建立持续改进的弹性文化。这些公司包括Honeywell、Cognizant、Unisys等公司,还有美国政府机构,如FDA和NASA。

“Global adoption of the CMMI has been growing at a record rate because of the material results it delivers,” said Kirk Botula, CMMI Institute CEO. “High-performance commercial and government organizations around the world rely on CMMI to provide a clear roadmap to mitigate risk, create value, and build a resilient culture of continuous improvement. These include companies like Honeywell, Cognizant and Unisys, and U.S. government agencies, such as the FDA and NASA.”


能力是组织达成目标,实现战略重点的核心。CMMI Development V2.0将通过建立与维持关键领域的能力,帮助组织从本质上改进绩效,例如产品开发与工程、管理业务弹性、规划与管理工作、选择与管理供应商、质量保证,以及员工管理。

Capabilities lie at the heart of an organization’s ability to achieve results and address strategic priorities. CMMI Development V2.0 will help organizations substantially improve performance by building and sustaining capabilities in key areas such as product development and engineering, managing business resilience, planning and managing work, selecting and managing suppliers, ensuring quality, and managing the workforce.


CMMI V2.0产品套件包括成熟度模型、采用指导、系统和支持工具、培训和认证,以及评估方法。与它的前身一样,CMMI V2.0的五个级别,代表了一条从提高能力成熟度到提高经营绩效的路径。

The CMMI V2.0 product suite includes the maturity model, adoption guidance, system and supporting tools, training, and certification and an appraisal method. And, like its predecessors, CMMI V2.0 leverages its five levels that represent a path of increasing capability maturity to improve business performance.


执行CMMI Development V2.0的收益

CMMI Development V2.0 enables the following benefits:

·  Improve Business Performance 提高企业绩效


Business goals are tied directly to operations in order to drive measurable, improved performance against time, quality, budget, customer satisfaction and other key drivers.

·  Leverage Current Best Practices 利用当前最佳实践

CMMI V2.0是经过验证的最佳实践的可靠来源,将在新的在线平台上不断更新,以应对不断变化的业务需求。

The CMMI V2.0 is a trusted source of proven best practices that will be continuously updated on the new online platform to reflect changing business needs.

·  Build Agile Resiliency and Scale 建立敏捷的过程


Direct guidance on how to strengthen agile with Scrum project processes across the enterprise with a focus on performance.

·  Benchmark Capability and Performance 建立能力和绩效标准


New performance-oriented appraisal method improves the reliability and consistency of benchmarking while reducing preparation time and life-cycle costs.

·  Accelerate Adoption 加快使用

在线平台和使用指南,使CMMI 的优势比以往任何时候都更容易获得。

Online platform and adoption guidance make the benefits of CMMI more accessible than ever.


CMMI V2.0是由包括BAE System、Booz Allen Hamilton、霍尼韦尔、洛克希德马丁、NASA、Northrup Grumman、西门子,以及来自20多个国家,超过300个业界、政府与学术机构共同合作研发。

CMMI V2.0 was developed in collaboration with sponsors including BAE Systems, Booz Allen Hamilton, Honeywell, Lockheed Martin, NASA, Northrup Grumman, and Siemens and over 300 contributors from industry, government, and academia from more than 20 countries.

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创建时间:2018-03-28 00:00